We receive a delegation of 74 representatives from Korean universities

Jul 12, 2024

We presented the research and innovation services of our University and discussed how we can inspire each other.

On Friday, 12th July, we received a delegation of 74 representatives from over thirty universities in South Korea who visited the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). At an event held at ETSETB, we presented the research and innovation services of our University and discussed how we can inspire each other and collaborate to achieve the common goals of our institutions.

The following individuals from the UPC participated:

1. Ms. Montserrat Garcia-Hernandez, representative of the Research and Innovation Support Service.
2. Ms. Mathilde Cadene, representative of the Tech Transfer and Innovation Unit.
3. Ms. Laura Peraita, representative from the Technology Centre of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - CIT UPC.
4. Ms. Laura Torres, representative from the International Relations Bureau.
5. Prof. Hyuk Park, UPC professor and researcher in the field of aerospace and telecommunications engineering.
