
LIFE Programme

The LIFE programme is a European funding programme dedicated exclusively to the environment and climate action for the period 2021-2027. The main objectives of the programme are to achieve a European economy with no greenhouse gas emissions, the protection and conservation of the EU's natural capital, and the mitigation of the impact of climate change on the health and well-being of citizens.

The LIFE programme is structured into two areas and four subprogrammes:

  • Environmental Area:
    • Subprogramme "Nature and Biodiversity"
    • Subprogramme "Circular Economy and Quality of Life"
  • Climate Action Area:
    • Subprogramme "Mitigation of Climate Change and Adaptation"
    • Subprogramme "Transition to Clean Energy"

Within the LIFE programme, there are different types of projects:

  • Standard Action Projects (SAP): Projects dedicated to the development of innovative techniques and solutions, scaling up existing solutions, improving the knowledge base, or developing, monitoring, and implementing EU policies. They are funded at 60%, except for those dedicated to habitat and/or priority species identified by the EU, which can receive up to 67% or 75% funding.
  • Strategic Nature Projects (SNAP): Projects aiming to apply EU objectives on nature and biodiversity through action plans coordinated with Member States. The use of various sources of funding and results from previous LIFE projects will be valued. The funding percentage is 60%.
  • Strategic Integrated Projects (SIP): These projects should facilitate the regional, national, or transnational implementation of EU and Member States' environmental and climate action plans. Coordination with at least one other source of funding is required. It is sought to fund at least one project in each Member State. The funding percentage is 60%.
  • Technical Assistance (TA): This type of action can support participation in SNAP and SIP projects, replication of results from other LIFE projects, or capacity development for participation in LIFE projects. The funding percentage is 60%.
  • Other Actions (OA): This category includes collaborations with KIC-EIT or actions supporting the transition to renewable and efficient energy through market barrier removal, among others. The funding percentage is 95%.

You can find more information on the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) website, the Work programmeme 2021-2024, or the website of the Ministry for Ecological Transition.

 2024 Calls

The LIFE 2024 calls were published mid-April and close in mid-September. You can find more information on the Funding & Tenders Portal.


23/04/2024: EU Life 2024 Infoday

Workshops organized by the Spanish Ministry

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Carles Miñambres

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