Quality in research (SAQRA)

SAQRA (an acronym for the Applied Research Quality Assurance System) is a quality management model created by a working team at UPC, resulting from an adaptation of the ISO 9001-2015 standard, the most prestigious standard worldwide in the field of quality. SAQRA's strategic purpose is to provide the entirety of UPC with a single integrated quality system for applied research. In this way, it aims to maximise the chances of UPC research teams winning competitive calls and/or securing funding from organisations/individuals/companies that require one to be eligible for financial aid. SAQRA is based on the LEAN approach (minimal workload and bureaucracy) and is structured in two layers:

  • a transversal layer across the whole UPC that absorbs the workload whenever possible
  • an independent layer for each research unit.

Currently, a pilot phase is being developed with several UPC research units voluntarily participating in the implementation process of SAQRA. This pilot phase aims to refine the SAQRA system to make it as effective and efficient as possible. Simultaneously, an ICT tool is also being developed by a transversal working team, with the objective of creating the software that will enable the management of the entire SAQRA system digitally.