2023 expenses

Expenses generated by RDI activities in 2023. Coordinated project transfers are excluded in which the money enters and leaves the UPC to distribute among the partners, but they do not involve any expense

Specific Concept Expenses 2023 Expenses 2022
Purchases €1,778,393.68 €1,541,280.81
Personnel €30,834,737.33 €29,107,802.34
External Services €5,502,566.08 €4,605,582.12
Inventory Material €4,623,704.41 €3,478,478.36
Travel Expenses €3,834,416.81 €2,799,196.20
Transfers and Grants €25,316,724.23 €11,803,841.21
Other Expenses €1,773,991.41 €181,463.81
TOTAL €73,664,533.95 €53,517,644.85