Research and Innovation Support Service (SSRI)

We offer specialised technical support to the UPC community, especially to the teaching and research staff, but also to students and administrative staff, through the back office personnel at the Vèrtex building and the front office at the research support units on UPC campuses. We inform, advise, supervise, implement, and support the execution of research, development, and innovation projects through public or private calls, fostering the valorisation of research and economic growth as a driving force for development and improvement in the quality of life of individuals.

The head of the Service is Mireia de la Rubia and the Service is divided into the following units:

  • Institutional Projects Unit
  • International Projects Unit
  • National Projects Unit
  • Contracts, Agreements, and Bidding Unit

Research support units - front office

To carry out our advisory, management and administrative activities throughout the lifecycle of R&D projects, we are organised ourselves into a centralised yet distributed service structure, along with the research support units within the management and support units (UTG) of the campuses and schools.

Research Support Unit National Projects International Projects Contracts and Agreements
ICT Scope (UTGCNTIC) Sonia NavarroTom Creemers Mª del Mar Oliva i Alexandra Chaves Victòria Campillo Tom Creemers
Civil Engineering Scope (UTGAC) Marta PujadasMayra Amate  Bea Torres i Alexandre Sanchez  Marta PujadasMayra Amate
Scope of Industrial Engineering in Barcelona (UTGAEIB) and Scope of Mathematics(FME) Ruth Seijo i Eric Cañizares  Malcolm Burns i Susana Escalada  Ruth Seijo
Scope of Building (UTGAE) Nacho Andújar Nacho Andújar Nacho Andújar
Scope of Architecture Barcelona (UTGAB) Núria Rigau Malcolm Burns  Núria Rigau 
Campus Diagonal-Besòs (UTGCDB) Teresa Pardo i Mayra Ferrer Montse Gallart i Gemma Vallès Teresa Pardo i Mayra Ferrer
Campus Baix Llobregat (UTGCBL) Cristina Blanch Montse Granero Montse Granero
Campus Vilanova i la Geltrú (UTGCVG) Lucia Alandes Lucia Alandes Lucia Alandes i Ainhoa Rodriguez
Campus Manresa (UTGCM) Ivo Clotet Sara Hortal Ivo Clotet
Campus Terrassa (UTGCT) Mireia Pocorull i Natàlia Tarres Feli Leiva i Belen Calejo Mireia Pocorull i Natàlia Tarres
Campus Sant Cugat i Nàutica Eduardo García NA Carolina Yela