
Call 2024 for grants for projects, activities and services of district and city (Ajt.Barcelona)

Mar 25, 2024

A new edition of the general call for grants for projects, activities and services of district and city has been published. Deadline: until 25/01/2024. Internal term: 19/01/2024

I. Object

Subsidize projects that promote activities of public or social interest that are included in any of the lines of the Barcelona City Council's Strategic Plan, in thematic areas, among others, such as:

  • Culture: visual arts and digital culture.
  • Science and Universities: a. Congresses and scientific and academic events in the city; b. Education, scientific culture, and research dissemination; c. Support for participatory research activities (such as citizen science).
  • Urbanism, Ecological Transition, Urban Services.


  • Applicants: natural and legal persons with headquarters or delegation in the municipal district of Barcelona.
  • Conditions (article 4 of the call bases): i) activities carried out in the municipal district of Barcelona on a non-profit basis; ii) during the year 2024 (or the 2024-25 academic year, according to the program).
  • Grant amount (article 8.1 of the call bases): up to 50% of the total project. It involves co-financing at least 50% of the project budget (can be with hours of own staff, it will be advisable to keep Timesheets).
  • Project budget: between €1,000 and €200,000 depending on the area (see article 8.2, in tables 3 and 4 of the Bases).
  • Eligible expenses (section 8.3 of the bases): own and hired personnel, rentals, messaging, office consumables, technical material, insurance, third-party assistance, subcontracting (max. 50% of project cost), audit report if budget is equal to or greater than €150,000 or grants of more than €30,000 (max. 5% of the budget, €1,200), others. It is important to contact us to confirm the budget and co-financing.
  • Incompatibilities: the same project cannot be submitted to different districts or programs (article 8.4 of the bases). Other limitations on the number of proposals per entity and program (article 17). Check if you are applying to an area with incompatibilities.


III. Submission of applications:

  • Who: in the case of UPC proposals, it is submitted centrally. The PI does NOT submit it.
  • How: through the online platform
  • When: 08/01 - 25/01/2024. Internal deadline: 19/01/2024
  • What: grant application (Basic Doc 1, online form), project description (Basic Doc 2), and documents specific to the thematic area or program.
  • We recommend that you carefully read the requirements and evaluation criteria by area (from page 23 of the call bases).


Consult the official documents on the call website. You will find: regulatory bases, call bases, table with the list of thematic areas, programs and territorial scope, form templates, and schedule of informative sessions.

Remember to contact the technical staff of national project management of your USR/Campus to inform them of your participation and send the necessary documentation.