
Call 2024 for grants for research work on public administration and public policies of the EAPC

Mar 25, 2024

Publication of the 2024 call for grants for research work in the field of the EAPC, aimed at universities and research centers in Catalonia. Deadline: 01/02/2024 - 01/03/2024. Internal term: 23/02/2024

Celebration of an in-person conference (11/14/2023, 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM)


I. Purpose

The purpose of the grants is to carry out innovative research work that generates new knowledge to improve the administrations and public policies of Catalonia, with inclusive potential to involve society in the scientific process.


II. Characteristics

  • Research teams must consist of three or more members, with at least one person from each of the following groups: academia, Public Administration, and civil society.
  • The team must include one or more individuals as representatives of civil society groups related to the research topic. A person from the Public Administration acts as institutional mentor.
  • Duration: 12 months from the award date.
  • Each research work will be subsidized with an amount between €6,000 and €12,000.
  • Eligible expenses: research support staff, training on participatory research, inventory material, consumable material, travel, others.
  • Research works may focus on the following challenges:
      1. Digital administration: needs, opportunities, and risks.
      2. Quality of public services.
      3. Quality of institutions.
      4. Knowledge management: talent acquisition, retention, and recognition; generational turnover management in public administrations.
      5. Public sector governance.

         Some of the research lines in these areas are available for consultation.

III. Applications

Consult the official documents on the convocation website. You will find: regulatory bases, call bases, and previous call documents.


As a novelty, the celebration of an in-person conference (11/14/2023, 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM) has been planned with the aim of presenting the challenges, exchanging ideas, and establishing contacts.


Contact the technical management staff of your USR/Campus to inform about your participation and resolve doubts.