
Call 2024 for grants to research projects in the field of gender equality and feminisms

Mar 25, 2024

Pending to publish the 2024 call for grants to research projects in the field of gender equality and feminisms

I. Object

The purpose of the grants is to finance original applied research projects that analyze structural inequalities and gender-based discrimination, as well as male violence in all areas and typologies covered by current legislation, in Catalonia, through new data or indicators and proposing innovative lines of action with the aim of contributing to overcoming the causes or impacts, improving monitoring and evaluation systems of services and programs aimed at eradicating gender inequalities in those priority areas established by the call, and defining new preventive, analytical, and treatment models.


II. Characteristics

  • The research teams must consist of a minimum of two researchers (one of them with a PhD, full-time dedication, and permanent attachment to the university, assuming responsibility for the project). Persons with ICREA, Ramón y Cajal contracts or other postdoctoral contracts with a minimum duration of two years count as members of the research team with permanent attachment.
  • The rest of the team can be: university staff, fellows, predoctoral or postdoctoral staff with credentials, research support staff with an investigational character, other persons with citizen science modalities, and persons linked to other institutions or entities related to the proposal.
  • In no case can a person be a member of more than one team.
  • Duration: maximum of 18 months from the date determined in the call resolution.
  • Budget: minimum of €20,000 with a maximum limit of €50,000.


III. Eligible Expenses

  • Expenses for hiring technical staff or staff with the necessary degree for the project, without functional, statutory, or labor linkage with the university.
  • Execution expenses: inventorable material and scientific equipment, consumables, and other complementary expenses.
  • Publication and dissemination expenses of results.
  • Travel and subsistence expenses and conference registration (for personnel belonging to the research team and technical staff linked to the research project).
  • Coordination expenses and expenses related to stays of invited researchers and international experts indispensable for the project's execution (justified and motivated).
  • Indirect expenses: maximum of 20% of the subsidized project budget. The audit report is considered an indirect expense.
  • NOT ELIGIBLE: own personnel, computer equipment, protocol expenses, commissions and exchange losses, repair and conservation expenses, movable and immovable property and their depreciations, etc.


IV. Submission of Applications

Check the official documents on the call website. You will find: regulatory bases and call bases.


Contact the National Projects Unit of the SSRI for questions about the call. And with the for doubts and support regarding the project content.