
Call 2024 Social ResearchcióLa Caixa Foundation

Mar 25, 2024

Open the call for grants aimed at promoting projects of excellence and innovators oriented to social challenges and that contain robust quantitative methodologies. 1st term short proposal: until 23/01/2024 (14h).

I. Characteristics of the projects

  • Objective: Projects aimed at investigating current social challenges with a scientific approach based on purely quantitative methodologies. The aim is to generate empirical information useful for the creation of social policies and programs.
  • Recipients: Non-profit research institutions, both public and private, from Spain or Portugal.
  • Grant amount: Up to €115,000.00
  • Eligible expenses: Direct costs (personnel, travel, goods and services, subcontracting, equipment), and indirect costs (10% of direct costs).
  • Duration: Maximum of 24 months.
  • Requirements of the projects:
    • Quantitative methodology.
    • Innovative proposals.
    • Oriented towards social issues in Spain and Portugal.
    • Open to all disciplines in social sciences and humanities.
    • Research with direct impact on the population.

II. Submission of applications

  • Submission deadline for short proposals: 01/08 - 01/23/2024 (2:00 PM). Internal deadline: 01/16/2024.
  • Deadline for full proposals: March - 04/24/2024 (2:00 PM). Only required if pre-selected.
  • Who: Project Leaders (PL) (not Co-PL) of any nationality conducting their activity in public or private research institutions in Spain or Portugal.
    • Have published at least 1 article in Q1 between 01/01/2019 - 10/23/2024 (SJR or JCR rankings).
    • Obtained a doctorate before January 23, 2022.
    • In cases of activity interruption, consult the guidelines.
    • Each PL can only submit one proposal.
    • If awarded, cannot submit in upcoming calls while the project is executed.
    • PLs who received a score of 3 (C) from evaluators in the previous call and no score of A in the short proposal cannot apply.
  • How: through the online platform. Refer to their manual for proposal submission.
  • What: Carried out in 2 stages:
    • Phase 1: short proposal: online form in English. Brief summary (3 pages) oriented towards a non-academic evaluation panel. It must be anonymous and therefore cannot contain personal information of the applicant.
      • Supporting documentation for the short proposal: check-list (eligibility and suitability) and guide (considerations, format, and structure) for the short proposal. VERY IMPORTANT to adhere to the instructions or the proposal will not be eligible.
      • You can download the template from the platform.
    • Phase 2: full proposal, only if pre-selected: 15-page proposal with more detail on the project and methodology, accreditation of merits and experience in research and the third sector/public sector (1 page each).
  • Watch the information session video.

Refer to all documentation on the call website. Also remember to contact the technical staff of national project management of your USR/Campus.