
UPC Open Science Award

May 07, 2024

The initiative seeks to recognize excellence in open science practices among UPC community.

The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) presents the first edition of the UPC Open Science Award, an initiative that seeks to recognize and reward excellence in open science practices among the UPC university community.

Open science, a paradigm shift in the way science is done, involves carrying out all stages of a scientific investigation with a transparent and collaborative vision. After approving the 2025 Open Science Roadmap UPC last year, the UPC has decided to institute this award to promote and recognize initiatives that promote open science within its community.

The award, endowed with an amount of 2,000 euros, is open to all members of the UPC university community who have excelled in the implementation of open science practices in their research and/or teaching activities, and applications can be submitted both individually and collectively. The period for submitting initiatives will run from April 24 to May 31, 2024.

Those interested in participating must complete the application form detailing their academic activities related to open science, highlighting their contributions in areas such as open access publishing, FAIR research data, open educational resources, or citizen science, among others.

An evaluation committee, composed of open science experts from the UPC, will assess the proposals submitted and select the three finalist initiatives, from which the winner will be chosen. The awardee will have the opportunity to briefly present their activity at the V Open Science Day at the UPC, to be held on June 21, 2024, in addition to receiving public recognition at the Social Council recognition event, and receiving the economic prize of €2,000 (minus the corresponding tax deduction).

With the call for this award, the UPC reaffirms its commitment to promoting open science and aims to reflect the continued efforts of its community in this field.

For more information on how to participate and the award requirements, you can visit the open science at UPC website or contact
