
We participate in the conference of the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators

Apr 24, 2024

Technical staff from the R+D+I Area of ​​the UPC traveled to the event's headquarters in the city of Odense, in Denmark. The UPC participates in the presentation of the news of the Unite alliance!

Today and tomorrow, the 2024 conference of the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA) is taking place in the Danish city of Odense.

UPC is present, and tomorrow at 12:30 p.m. will participate in the presentation of the updates of the European alliance Unite!, along with two other representatives from Politecnico di Torino and Grenoble Institute of Engineering and Management. The results of IRIS, the common research and innovation services network of the alliance's member universities will be presented. IRIS is a pilot project developed by the 9 universities participating in Unite! with the aim of creating a network of technical staff that offers specific services for the sustainability of the alliance, for researchers, and for research managers and administrators.

1,460 people have attended the conference, representing 450 entities from the European and international research ecosystem (universities, research centers, hospitals, etc.) from up to 52 different countries. The main theme of this year is artificial intelligence and how it is transforming research management.
