All the networks Share: All the networks Filters Tags Aeronautics and telecom Agrotech Creative industries Energy transition Health tech Industry 4.0 Mobility Others Sustainability and environment Urban planning and infrastructures 3NEO Spanish Technological Platform for Advanced Printing 5G PPP Public-Private Partnership for 5G Infrastructure 6G SNS IA 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association AccessCat Network of Innovation in Accessibility of Catalonia: Media, Education and Culture ACIA Catalan Association of Artificial Intelligence ACTRIS The Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research infrastructure ACUP Catalan Association of Public Universities AdapteCCA Climate Change Adaptation Platform - Subgroup of Ports for the development of National Climate Change Adaptation Plans AEI Tèxtils Association of Innovative Textile Companies AEIPRO Spanish Association of Project Management and Engineering AEQCT Asociación Española de Químicos y Coloristas Textiles AESOP European Association of Planning Schools Agritech Agroforum 2050 AIRA Artificial Intellgence Research Alliance ALASTRIA Blockchain Consortium ASTP ASTP — Research, Development and Innovation (R+D+I) — UPC. Polytechnic University of Catalonia ATC Highway Technical Association (ATC) ATICA Spanish Network for the Advancement and Transfer of Applied Computational Intelligence AUIP Postgraduate Ibero-American University Association Barcelona Clúster Nàutic Barcelona Cybersecurity Congress BIB Bioinformatics Barcelona Bio-Based Industries Consortium BIOMED Spanish Society of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedicine BlueNetCat Maritime Network of Catalonia CARNET Future Mobility Research Hub CASA Consortium for Advanced Studies Abroad Catalona Smart Drones CBC Bioenergy Cluster of Catalonia CDM Mathematics Deans Conference CEA Spanish Automatic Committee CEBR Compañía Europea Business Resources CECIAC Construction and Evaluation of Innovative Capacities of the Academic Sector CECOT Cecot Innovation and Technology Club CEEC Clúster de l'Energia Eficient de Catalunya CEG Management Excellence Club CEIDEN Technological Platform for Nuclear Fission Energy CESAER Conference of European Schools for Research and Education in Advanced Engineering CIAC Cluster of the Automotive Industry of Catalonia CICAT Lighting cluster of Catalonia. Organisation linked to SECARTYS CIEA International Conference of Alumni Entities CINDA Interuniversity Center for Development CLUSTER Consortium of Union of Universities of Science and Technology for Research and Education Clúster Digital Clúster Digital de Catalunya Coordinadora Catalana de Fundacions CPAN National Center for Particle Physics CPH Permanent Concrete Commission CRUE Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities CSMC Mental Health Cluster of Catalonia Cumulus Association Cúster Mav Advanced Materials Cluster of Catalonia CWP Catalan Water Partnership DANUBIUS International Center for Advanced Studies on River-Sea Systems DCA Digital Catalonia Alliance DIH4Cat Digital Innovation Hub for Catalunya DIMATIA Center for Discrete Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science and Applications. DTC Digital Twin Consortium EABA European Algae Biomass Association EAIE European Association of International Education ECCS European Convention for Structural Steelwork ECOO European Council of Optics and Optometry EERA European Energy Research Alliance EERA Wind Energy European Energy Research Alliance - Joint Wind Energy Program EES-UETP University-Company Training Association in Electrical Energy Systems EH2C Ebro Hydrogen Corridor EIT Health Health Knowledge and Innovation Community of the European Institute of Technology and Innovation EIT InnoEnergy Community of Knowledge and Innovation on Energy of the European Institute of Technology and Innovation EIT Manufacturing Community of Knowledge and Innovation on Manufacturing of the European Institute of Technology and Innovation EIT Raw Materials Community of Knowledge and Innovation on Raw Materials of the European Institute of Technology and Innovation EIT Urban Mobility Community of Knowledge and Innovation on Urban Mobility of the European Institute of Technology and Innovation ELRA European Association of Language Resources EMNES European Master Network on Embedded System Security Emprendia Ibero-American University Network of Business Incubation ENBIS European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics ENEN European Nuclear Education Network ENERTIC Technology, Innovation and Energy Efficiency EPIC European Photonic Industry Consortium EPUF European Permanent University Forum ERCIM-WG CMS Working group in Methodological and Computational Statistics of the European Consortium of Informatics and Mathematics ERCIM-WG MUSCLE Working group on Multimedia Comprehension through Semantics, Computation and Learning of the European Consortium for Computing and Mathematics ERCIM-WG OD Working group on Open Data of the European Consortium of Computing and Mathematics ERCOFTAC European Research Community On Fluids, Turbulence and Combustion ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute EU Robotics International non-profit association euRobotics EUA European Association of Universities EUCEET European Education and Training in Civil Engineering EUCEN Network of European Universities of Continuing Education EUMED Euro-Mediterranean Consortium of Organizations and Professionals EURADOS European Radiation Disometry Group EUROCAE The European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment EXPOQUIMIA International Chemistry Meeting FEDIT Technology Centers of Spain FEIQUE Business Federation of the Spanish Chemical Industry FEMAC Catalan Cluster of Agricultural Machinery and Means of Production Foodservice Cluster Fotònica 21 Spanish Technological Platform of Photonics Fundació Triptolemos FuseNet European Fusion Education Network FutuRed Spanish Technology Platform for Electrical Networks Gaia-X Gaia-X Hub Spain GECCC Group of Experts on Climate Change in Catalonia GEOPLAT Group of Experts on Climate Change in Catalonia GFPS Global Fluid Energy Society GUNI Global Network of Universities for Innovation H2CAT Network Catalan network of innovation and scalability of knowledge in differential technologies of renewable hydrogen Heritage Network Program to establish a framework for collaboration in the Catalan horticultural sector for the incorporation of technology-based improvements HUB B30 Association Scope of the B30 Hydrogen Europe IAMU International Association of Maritime Universities IAQ Cluster Indoor Air Quality ICTS Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructures IEA Wind International Energy Association IEE 802.11 Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers Working Group for Setting WLAN Standards IETF Internet Engineering Task Force IFoU International Forum on Urbanism IFToMM International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science INDUSTRY From Needs to Solutions InnoBaix Agency for Innovation and Knowledge of Baix Llobregat and Hospitalet InnoVi IOT Solutions World Congress ISOCARP International Society of Regional and Urban Planning ITU International Telecommunications Union KM3NET Light Mobility Clúster Magalhaes Network MANU-KET Spanish Technological Platform for Advanced Manufacturing MARIN-DOS Advanced Integrated Management Model for the Hydrodynamic Infrastructure Network MAROCEAN MARitime Observations, Calculations and Environmental Applications Network MaterPlat MDE Network of Excellence in Model-Driven Software Engineering MSC-SAHC Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions NEM New European Media NETWORLD NetWorld 2020 European Technology Platform NUGENIA Association for the 2nd and 3rd Nuclear Generation OBRA Barcelona Observatory for Architectural Rehabilitation PEGASUS Aerospace Engineering Universities PEMB Metropolitan Strategic Plan of Barcelona PEPRI National R&D Platform in Radiological Protection PHA Planetary Health Alliance Photonics 21 PLANETIC Spanish technological platform for the adoption and dissemination of electronic, information and communication technologies PlasTHER Therapeutic applications of cold plasmas PLATEA Spanish Technological Steel Platform PROMETIA Association for Innovation in Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Extraction of Mining and Recycling PTE H2 Spanish Technology Platform for Hydrogen PTEA Spanish Water Technology Platform PTEC Spanish Construction Technology Platform PTFE Spanish Railway Technology Platform PTV Wine Technology Platform Qualinet European Network on Quality of Experience in Multimedia Systems and Services RAILGRUP RDI-IA Network Network of R&D in Artificial Intelligence Red Nacional de Automática REIB Spanish Research Network in Biomechanics RETEVI Thematic Network on Intelligent Vehicles RISCV RMEI Mediterranean Network of Engineering Schools RUEPEP University Network of Postgraduate Studies and Permanent Education SECARTYS Business cluster SECPHO SEFI European Society for Engineering Education SEIDROB Spanish Society for Research and Development in Robotics SIF Manufacturing Engineering Society SmartCITY Expo World Congress SmartLivingPlat Spanish Platform for Home Automation and Smart Cities Smartech Cluster Organisation linked to SECARTYS SOHA Spanish Open Hardware Alliance Solar Concentra The ‘Severo Ochoa’ Centres and ‘María de Maeztu’ Units of Excellence Alliance Solartys Organisation linked to SECARTYS SOMMA The ‘Severo Ochoa’ Centres and ‘María de Maeztu’ Units of Excellence Alliance SPISE Standardised Procedure for the Inspections of Sprays in Europe SUSCHEM Spanish Technological Platform for Sustainable Chemistry Taula de cogestió de l’aqüicultura in the Ebro Delta of the Directorate General of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs TECNIO Technology Providers for the Company TECSAM Network of Innovation in New Technologies of Mental Health TELESCOPI Network of Observatories of Good Practices in University Strategic Management in Latin America and Europe TENSINET TEXFOR Conferecación Industrial Textil TEXTRANET European Network of Textile Research Organizations TIME Main International Directors in Engineering TMO Time Machine Organisation UNE Spanish Standardization Association UNESCOSOST Network of Joint Offices of the UNESCO Chair in Sustainability UNITE! Network of Universities for Innovation, Technology and Engineering UNITECH Unitech International Society Universia UPCELL European Alliance for Battery Manufacturing Water Europe WavemiX Wave mixing in the X-ray XAFIR Xarxa Fourth Industrial Revolution XarTec Salut R&D Network in Health Technologies XPCAT Network of Science and Technology Parks of Catalonia XRAC Aquaculture R&D Reference Network of the Generalitat de Catalunya XRE4S R&D Energy for Society network XVU Network of Universities Institut Joan Lluís Vives XARFA Additive Manufacturing Reference Network Vall de l'Hidrogen de Catalunya Hydrogen Valley of Catalonia WeMind Center for innovation and development of autonomy in mental health, aging and neurosciences
AdapteCCA Climate Change Adaptation Platform - Subgroup of Ports for the development of National Climate Change Adaptation Plans
EIT Health Health Knowledge and Innovation Community of the European Institute of Technology and Innovation
EIT InnoEnergy Community of Knowledge and Innovation on Energy of the European Institute of Technology and Innovation
EIT Manufacturing Community of Knowledge and Innovation on Manufacturing of the European Institute of Technology and Innovation
EIT Raw Materials Community of Knowledge and Innovation on Raw Materials of the European Institute of Technology and Innovation
EIT Urban Mobility Community of Knowledge and Innovation on Urban Mobility of the European Institute of Technology and Innovation
ERCIM-WG CMS Working group in Methodological and Computational Statistics of the European Consortium of Informatics and Mathematics
ERCIM-WG MUSCLE Working group on Multimedia Comprehension through Semantics, Computation and Learning of the European Consortium for Computing and Mathematics
H2CAT Network Catalan network of innovation and scalability of knowledge in differential technologies of renewable hydrogen Program to establish a framework for collaboration in the Catalan horticultural sector for the incorporation of technology-based improvements
PLANETIC Spanish technological platform for the adoption and dissemination of electronic, information and communication technologies
PROMETIA Association for Innovation in Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Extraction of Mining and Recycling
Taula de cogestió de l’aqüicultura in the Ebro Delta of the Directorate General of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs
TELESCOPI Network of Observatories of Good Practices in University Strategic Management in Latin America and Europe