Innovative Anti-Theft System for Bicycles

A new bicycle anti-theft system to minimise the number, weight and volume of locks to be carried has been patented. Ref: MKT2011/0089_D


Patent Description

A new anti-theft system for bicycles to minimize the number, weight, and volume of locks to carry has been patented. Companies interested in commercially exploiting the technology or interested in establishing R&D collaboration agreements are sought.

The Challenge

One of the problems hindering the widespread use of bicycles in cities is the high number of thefts suffered by this type of vehicle while parked. Thieves usually steal the entire bicycle or parts of it, generally one or both wheels and the saddle. To deter theft, users typically use various lock systems that they must carry along with the bicycle, with which they secure one or both wheels to a fixed support and also often remove the saddle. The latter represents an inconvenience for the user, as they must detach the saddle from the bicycle when leaving it parked, carry it with them, and then reattach and adjust it when they need to use the bicycle again.

The Technology

The invention presented here allows reducing the number, weight, and volume of elements necessary to anchor a bicycle to the public road. It consists of using a modified saddle in such a way that it can be used as an anti-theft device. This system allows fixing at the same time and with a single component: the bicycle frame, one of its two wheels, and the saddle.

Innovative Advantages

  • Allows carrying fewer security elements
  • Can secure 1 or 2 wheels and part of the frame simultaneously to a post or other fixed element of the public road
  • Avoids having to take the saddle when leaving the bicycle parked
  • Similar use and security level to U-lock rigid locks

Current Development Status

The system has been designed and is in the prototype development phase.

Target Market and Applications

The technology may be of particular interest to bicycle manufacturers or accessory companies, as it represents a new and innovative product that significantly enhances user convenience.

MKT2020-0173-R_acolchado sostenible melocotoneros.jpg

Modified bicycle saddle for use as an anti-theft system.

Allows reducing the number of locks to carry to anchor the bicycle.

MKT2020-0173-R_acolchado sostenible invernadero.jpg

The use and level of security offered are similar to U-lock rigid locks

Business Opportunity

Technology available for licensing with technical cooperation.

Patent Status

Priority patent application.


Sonia Touriño Eirin
Licensing Manager
T. + 34 93 413 623