Liquid-applied sustainable mixture for the control of weeds in perennial crops.

We are looking for companies interested in the commercial exploitation of the technology. Ref: MKT2020/0173

The Challenge

Weed control at the base of tree trunks in perennial crops (vineyards, almond trees, fruit trees, oak truffles, olive trees, etc.), as well as in flowerbeds in cities, is currently a challenging task. When using herbicides, they must be applied very carefully in the early years of tree establishment to avoid damaging them. Additionally, there are fewer authorized active substances available, most of which are very specific, making it difficult to control all emerged species with herbicides. In urban environments, the use of phytosanitary products is being restricted as much as possible, so solutions for chemical-free control are sought. Mulching of crops, covering the soil with specific materials, is the most common alternative to herbicides. Its use promotes crop yield and quality. However, the materials used so far need to be treated in specialized plants as they contain components that have a significant environmental impact (polyethylene, BDM, etc.)

The Technology

A sustainable mulching has been developed and validated, which improves the advantages of current mulching in terms of weed control and is free of harmful substances for the environment. This mulching is based on mixtures made from agricultural by-products and paper pulp applied in a pasty manner, creating a sheet of the desired thickness on the soil. Weed control is high when the sheet dries quickly. Currently, work is underway to design a prototype for mechanized application of the mixtures in the soil.

Innovation Advantages

  • Equal weed control performance as plastic and paper mulching.
  • Free of chemical products.
  • Contribution of salts and nutrients.
  • Water saving in irrigation.
  • Regulation of soil temperature.
  • Use of agricultural by-products as a mixture component. Circular economy

Current Development Status

Mixtures have been developed that endure adequately in the soil after one year of application. Work is being done on the design of a prototype for mechanized application of the mixtures.

Applications and Target Market

The target market consists of producers or entrepreneurs of tree crops who want to minimize the use of herbicides. Gardening companies are also potential users for using mulching on trees or shrubs in urban environments.

Initial test of sustainable mulching technology in an experimental peach plot.

Test in a greenhouse of sustainable mulching technology for controlling sprouting.

Business Opportunity

Technology available for licensing.

Seeking partners for mechanized application of mulching.

Patent Status

Priority patent application.


Sonia Touriño Eirin
Licensing Manager
T. +34 93 413 623