
2023 call for AEI R&D Projects (PID2023)

09/01/2024. Call for grants for R&D projects and actions for pre-doc training.


Jan 09, 2024 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)

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PRESENTATION: "PID2023 Call: requirements and characteristics"

PRESENTATION: "Writing and evaluation of research projects"

Available: AEI webinar (01/10/2024)

Documentation available for the (SEMA) webinar on project evaluation

File with recommendations


  • Modalities:
    • Undirected research projects, without previously defined thematic orientation, motivated by scientific curiosity and aimed at advancing knowledge, regardless of the temporal horizon and scope of application.
    • Oriented research projects, aimed at solving specific problems and linked to the thematic priorities associated with global challenges and industrial competitiveness of society. Includes RTA-type projects.
  • Includes funding for actions aimed at training pre-doctoral personnel linked to the project.
    • The application is made in the same way as in previous calls. 
    • Its cost should not be requested in the budget.
    • Maximum duration of 4 years, regardless of the duration of the project where the thesis will be developed.
    • The start date of the contract will be at most 3 months following the definitive resolution, with a date on the 1st of the corresponding month.
    • The evaluation and selection process is carried out by the beneficiary entity.
    • Grant amount: €125,200, covering: (partially) contract cost + compensation + stays in R&D centers + doctoral tuition.
    • A postdoctoral orientation period is also funded, provided that the doctoral degree is obtained during the 4 years of the action.
    • Collaboration in teaching activities is possible for a maximum of 60 hours/year, or a maximum of 180 hours during the entire contract.
  • Types:
    • Type A, for young researchers with relevant scientific-technical contributions, who have obtained their doctoral degree between 01.01.2013 and 31.12.2021 (with the possibility of extending the lower deadline date in case of interruption situations - disabilities, permits, reduced working hours -), and who have not been PIs in projects lasting more than 1 year from the calls PID2020-2022, PI2020-2023 (ISCIII), Young Researchers R+D+i Projects 2014-2015. In case of 2 PIs, both must be type A.
    • Type B, led by consolidated researchers.
  • Participation modality: individual (a single beneficiary entity) and coordinated - between 2 and 6 subprojects of the same or different entities; the coordinating subproject must be type B; all subprojects have the same duration and thematic area -.
  • Duration: 3 or 4 years (exceptionally 2 if the involvement of the PI requires it or for scientific-technical reasons of the project). Start date: 09/01/2024.
  • Led by 1 or 2 PIs (from the same or different entity), a research team (RT) and a work team (WT), according to the project's needs. If the PI2 or a member of the RT is from another entity, express authorization from their RL and commitment to maintain the connection throughout the project is required. Keep in mind:
  • Remember to contact us in case of participating in an external project in order to manage the corresponding authorization.
    • Requirements and PI incompatibilities:
      • Doctoral degree obtained before 01.01.2022
      • Official, statutory, labor or other link, as long as it covers the entire project execution period, with the beneficiary entity or another entity that meets requirements (Research Performing Organizations, Universities, Technological and Innovation Support Centers, other public and private R&D centers without profit motive, established in Spain). Remember to contact us if your link does not extend to the end of the project.
      • RyC, and postdoctoral program contract holders from the State Plan with the I3 or R3 certificate, may apply as PIs without the need for a co-PI, regardless of their duration of affiliation.
      • Not being contracted through calls from the State Plans (except for those contracted through HR programs or MdM/SO grants).
      • Can only be PI of one proposal in this call. Cannot participate in any other proposal, either as PI or as a member of the RT.
      • Cannot be a PI in this call if participating, as PI or RT member, in a PID2020-2022 or PI2020-2023 (ISCIII) project that ends after 08/31/2024 (by resolution). Extensions are not incompatible,
      • No incompatibility with projects from other calls such as TED, CPP, PLEC, or international calls, always respecting maximum hours per agreement/contract.
    • Requirements and RT incompatibilities:
      • Doctoral, bachelor's, engineering, architecture, or degree
      • Link requirement same as PI. Remember to contact us if your link does not extend to the end of the project.
      • Not contracted through calls from the State Plans 2013-2023 (except for doctors contracted through HR programs or MdM/SO grants).
      • Can be a member in a maximum of 2 proposals in this call.
      • If being a member of the RT in a PID2020-2022 / PI2020-2023 (ISCIII) project with end date > 31.08.2024, can only participate as RT in 1 proposal in this call. Cannot participate as PI in projects of this call.
      • If participating as an RT member in two PID2020-2022 / PI2020-2022 (ISCIII) projects ending later than 08/31/2024, cannot participate in this call.
      • No incompatibility with projects from other calls such as TED, CPP, PLEC, always respecting maximum hours per agreement/contract.
    • ET requirements:
      • Those who do not meet the affiliation requirements described for the PI or RT.
      • Pre-doctoral training personnel.
      • Research support technical personnel.
      • Researchers affiliated with foreign entities.
      • Cannot be responsible for activities.
      • Individuals who meet the requirements to be PI or RT cannot participate as ET.
  • Project financiable concepts: hiring personnel, including end-of-contract compensation for the period worked on the project, inventory, consumables, mobility (according to the duration of travel and stay), attendance at conferences (not for ET with affiliation to a foreign entity), dissemination, use of central services (provided they have approved and public rates), others; indirect costs (25% of direct costs).
  • Financiable concepts and funding for pre-doc training actions: €125,200 to finance the contract (€24,600 1st year + €30,200 2nd year, 3rd and 4th year), end-of-contract compensation €3,000 (€630 1st year + €790 2nd, 3rd and 4th year), and stays at R&D centers and doctoral tuition (a total of €7,000).
  • (Co) Funding and call budget: 
    • GPP, ERDF for R&D Projects, and ESF+ for pre-doc contracts.
    • €655 million (€485 million subsidy + €170 million ERDF).
  • Submission of applications:
    • deadline: 01/09-30/01/2024 (2:00 PM). Internal deadline: 01/23/2024. Note that a thorough review of the documentation is required before generating the Final and RL signature.
    • online form and documentation (proposal, CVs of PI(s), supporting documents in case of interruption, documents for specific projects). Carefully read the instructions for completing the CV, proposal, and application. Preferably all in english (mandatory for budgets over €100K). ORCID code for all participants (recommended for WT members).

Once the Final document is generated, ALL PARTICIPANTS' SIGNATURES MUST BE COLLECTED: PI(S), RT AND ET MEMBERS before the RL signature.
