
4th Edition of the Catalonia Exponential Leaders

Registrations open for the 4th edition of the Catalonia Exponential Leaders until March 5th


Mar 05, 2024 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)

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ACCIÓ - Agency for Business Competitiveness calls for the 4th edition of Catalonia Exponential Leaders, seeking dynamic, high-growth companies that generate new markets, new business models, and incorporate emerging technologies.

As a spin-off of the UPC, we believe you meet these requirements and encourage you to participate. In previous editions, spin-offs and startups linked to UPC and BSC have participated, such as: Able Human Motion, Mitiga Solutions, The Predictive Company, HumanITCare, Honext, or Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech.

To be part of the Catalonia Exponential Leaders, you must fill out the following short form.

  • The 30 companies with the most outstanding projects will be able to participate in the boot camp and personalized disruption and exponentiality workshops (April and May 2024) and will have visibility in the Exponential Leaders in Catalonia report.
  • Finally, the 10 most disruptive companies will be selected to enjoy multiple benefits and will have visibility at Exponential Day #6 (July 2024).

Open until March 5th!


PS: If you intend to apply for the call, please let us know at
