
7th Edition I'MNOVATION 2024

Open registrations for start-ups, spin-offs, research centers and research groups until February 25.


Feb 25, 2024 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)



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The seventh edition of the I’MNOVATION Startups by ACCIONA and ACCIONA Energía program is now open!

The I'MNOVATION Open Innovation Program is dedicated to the co-creation of innovative solutions with start-ups, scale-ups, spin-offs, and research centers and groups with validated solutions/technologies in laboratory environments to address strategic challenges through disruptive technologies that respond to the challenges of water, construction, concessions, energy, real estate, and finance through the 16 open challenges.

By participating in the Open Innovation Program, you can benefit from up to €50,000 to develop a project that will be implemented and tested in a real-world environment with the support of a team of technical experts. Furthermore, successful collaboration could pave the way for a long-term relationship with a company.

All challenges (16) are now open. If you are interested in participating, access: I'MNOVATION 2024 | ACCIONA

You have until February 25th!


PS: If you intend to apply for the call, please let us know at
