R0 - Research Initiation Scholarships (INIREC)

To encourage bachelor's and master's degree students enrolled at the UPC to start research.


Jan 01, 2024 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)

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Target Audience

Research groups wishing to hire students


Depending on dedication

Purpose of the Call

The purpose of this call is to encourage undergraduate and master's students to initiate research. This type of aid is aimed at individuals enrolled in undergraduate and/or master's studies at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia throughout the duration of the scholarship.


  • The project must allow funding for scholarships.
  • The person applying for a UPC Research Initiation Scholarship must be enrolled in undergraduate and/or master's studies at UPC during the academic year in which the scholarship is valid.


  • Minimum 5 hours per week and maximum 20 hours per week.


Minimum duration of 3 months and maximum of 24 months.


The availability of the research group must cover the total cost of the scholarship, taking into account the following table of dedication/salary proportion:


Proportion to €577.50

Proportion to €1,100













Other Salary

  • Year 2024: €60.99/month


The scholarship recipient must consider the following incompatibilities:

  • If the person has previously had a work contract at UPC prior to INIREC, the aid cannot be formalized.
  • If they are enjoying a learning scholarship, they cannot enjoy an INIREC scholarship.
  • The appointment will not become definitive until the appropriate checks have been carried out.
  • Curricular and extracurricular internships are incompatible with the aid.


New call for applications

Application Tool Guide


  • You can check the available scholarship calls and make the registration online: INIREC Registration.  
  • Once the call has been resolved, the winner will receive an informative email, indicating the documentation to be submitted.


  • The general rules of the calls for initiation scholarships in research are as follows: Bases
  • For the start date of the scholarship, the time necessary for resolution must be taken into account.
  • The deadline for resolving a call if it is desired for the scholar to join in the current month is set by the payroll calendar.


  • Resignation must be communicated 15 days in advance.
  • The resignation must be completed using the resignation model and submitted through the following link

Do you want to extend a scholarship?

Extensions must be processed through the Grant Renewal form.