On Wednesday, 26th February, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) hosted a delegation of representatives from the universities of the Unite! alliance for a special visit to two of its most...
The Unite! delegation discovers the scientific infrastructures of UPC -
The video highlights the importance of safeguarding participants' rights, ensuring data protection, and anticipating potential risks associated with technology, as well as the need for an ethical...
The UPC Ethics Committee releases a new video on ethical assessment in research -
The 11th edition of 4YFN will take place from March 3 to 6 at the Fira de Barcelona.
The UPC will have a prominent presence at 4YFN 2025 -
During the event, the role of the UPC's OBSEA Laboratory was highlighted as a success story in the use of artificial intelligence for efficient data management in shared infrastructures.
Attending the International Conference on Research Infrastructures held in Australia -
The REGALIM project obtains the best evaluation of the proposals presented in the Proactive City program: Drought Mission, of the BIT-Habitat foundation and Barcelona City Council.
The UPC leads a pioneering urban innovation project selected by the Proactive City 2024 program -
More than 70 members of the research staff have attended.
Training in Research Project Communication -
This first edition focuses on devising solutions to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities.
"La teva idea es ciència!" is launched, the new citizen science contest of the UPC and the iSocial Foundation -
UPC tops the ranking of Spanish universities both in terms of funding and the number of Horizon Europe projects. With participation in 161 projects, it has secured €83 million.
First Spanish university in securing funds from the Horizon Europe programme -
A delegation from the Public Service Commission (PSC) of Kenya visited the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) as part of a series of meetings during their stay in Barcelona.
A Kenyan delegation visits UPC to learn about successful university IT systems -
The key organisation in Colombia's innovation ecosystem has visited UPC with the aim of exploring potential collaborations in the field of R&D.
We recieve a delegation from Connect Bogotá -
An increase of 52% in revenues compared to 2022 highlights the institution's work in research, development, and innovation.
The UPC reported record-breaking revenues of 118.9 million euros for R&D in 2023 -
The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities has recognised the trajectory in valorisation, transfer and social dissemination of knowledge of 111 entities in the State.
The UPC receives Knowledge Transfer Office accreditation -
We presented the research and innovation services of our University and discussed how we can inspire each other.
We receive a delegation of 74 representatives from Korean universities -
The two institutions have taken steps to work together in future projects in the field of water research and innovation.
We visit European centre of excellence for sustainable water technology (Wetsus) in the Netherlands -
The State Research Agency has announced the final resolution of the 2023 'Severo Ochoa Centres of Excellence and María de Maeztu Units' call.
The Research Centre for Multiscale Science and Engineering (CCEM) has received the María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence accreditation -
The initiative seeks to recognize excellence in open science practices among UPC community.
UPC Open Science Award