Sustainable liquid application padding for weed control in perennial crops. MKT2020/0173
Companies interested in commercial exploitation of the technology are sought. Ref. MKT2020/0173
Sustainable liquid application padding for weed control in perennial crops. MKT2020/0173
Companies interested in commercial exploitation of the technology are sought. Ref: MKT2020/0173
El repte/The challenge
Controlling weeds at the base of tree trunks in perennial crops (such as vineyards, almond orchards, fruit trees, truffle oaks, olive trees, etc.) and in tree pits in urban areas is currently a challenging task. When herbicides are used, they must be carefully applied, especially during the early years of tree establishment, to avoid damaging them. Moreover, there is a decreasing number of authorized active substances, most of which are highly specific, making it difficult to control all emerging weed species with herbicides. In urban environments, the use of plant protection products is being restricted as much as possible, prompting the search for non-chemical control solutions.
La tecnologia/The technology
A sustainable mulching solution has been developed and validated, which enhances the benefits of current mulching methods by effectively controlling weeds without using harmful substances for the environment. This mulching is based on blends made from agricultural by-products and paper pulp, applied in a paste form to create a sheet of desired thickness over the soil. Weed control is highly effective when the sheet dries quickly. Currently, efforts are underway to design a prototype for mechanized application of these blends onto the soil.
Avantatges innovadores/Innovative advantages
- Equal weed control performance compared to plastic and paper mulching.
- Free of chemical products.
- Provides salts and nutrients.
- Saves irrigation water.
- Regulates soil temperature.
- Uses agricultural by-products as part of the mixture. Circular economy.
Fase actual de desenvolupament/Current stage of development
Mixtures have been developed that persist well in the soil after one year of application. Work is underway on designing a prototype for the mechanized application of these mixtures.
Aplicacions i mercat objectiu/Applications and target market
The target market consists of producers or entrepreneurs in tree crops who want to minimize herbicide use. Potential users also include landscaping companies looking to use mulching for trees or shrubs in urban environments.

Initial testing of sustainable mulching technology in an experimental plot of peach trees.

Greenhouse testing of sustainable mulching technology for bud control.
Oportunitats de negoci/Business opportunity
Tecnología disponible para licenciar. Búsqueda de socios para la mecanización de la aplicación del acolchado.
Estat de la propietat intel·lectual i industrial/Intelectual property status
Patent sol·licitada/Applied patent
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