EcoRubCool - Elastocaloric materials based on waste rubber for an efficient cooling. MKT2025/0195_E

EcoRubCool project aims to address this gap by developing a novel rubber material to produce an eC effect viable for an efficient heating/cooling/refrigeration technology. Our method involves the selection and processing of natural rubber-based materials, using renewable and recycled fillers which will specifically serve as enhancer of the eC effect, and to increase the thermal conductivity, mandatory to transfer the heat/cool from the materials surface to an external media. Ref. MKT2025/0195_E

EcoRubCool - Elastocaloric materials based on waste rubber for an efficient cooling. MKT2025/0195_E

NR specimen temperature during loading (left) and unloading (right).

EcoRubCool - Elastocaloric materials based on waste rubber for an efficient cooling. MKT2025/0195_E

Temperature field in NR/GTR specimen (bottom) during heating (left) and cooling (right). Images width = 2 mm.

Oportunitats de negoci/Business opportunity

Cerca de col·laboradors per avançar en el desenvolupament i implementació a mercat/Looking for collaborators to advance in the development and market implementation