Fast cardiovascular condition assessment. MKT2016/0160_ H
An easy-to-use and affordable system able to determine several cardiovascular parameters from unsupervised measurements easily obtained at hands or feet. Ref. MKT2016//0160_ H
Fast cardiovascular condition assessment. MKT2016/0160_ H
An easy-to-use and affordable system able to determine several cardiovascular parameters from unsupervised measurements easily obtained at hands or feet. Ref: MKT2016//0160_ H
El repte/The challenge
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death yet plenty of patients remain undiagnosed until acute stages of the disease. Population screenings with existing equipment are unaffordable hence there is a need for comfortable easy-to-use devices intended for personal periodic monitoring of cardiovascular monitoring that do not
La tecnologia/The technology
The hands and feet are convenient interfaces for cardiovascular measurements and have long been used to obtain heart rate and ECG by establishing contact with a conductive electrode on each hand. Volumetric changes from blood pulses can be detected through changes in electrical impedance measured between both hands, known as impedance plethysmogram (IPG). We designed a system to simultaneously obtain ECG and IPG using four conductive contacts, such as two contacts on different fingers of each hand or fingers of one hand and points on the opposite wrist. Time intervals between features of ECG and IPG yield Pulse Arrival Time (PAT) and Pre-Ejection Period (PEP), which can assess autonomic nervous system activation, blood pressure changes, myocardial contractility, sympathetic activity, or diagnose cardiovascular diseases from abnormal durations.
Avantatges innovadores/Innovative advantages
- The system is self-administered. No trained persons or auxiliary personnel are required for effective use
- Provides sophisticated cardiovascular information about both the heart and the major blood vessels and in a short time using only distal electrodes.
- All system components are commodities.
- No gel or cream, nor contacts with the thorax or any body part other than the hands or the feet are required
- The system is flexible to many different implementations, including watches of fitness equipment
Fase actual de desenvolupament/Current stage of development
A laboratory sensor prototype is available . Additional testing and formal trials in particuar, is required for the múltiple potential
Aplicacions i mercat objectiu/Applications and target market
Health promotion programs, groups screening, primary care centers, community health centers, personal health care, physical activity monitoring, remote physiological monitoring, home health care, drug testing, drug dose adjustment, fitness, m-health, e-health, emergency medical technicians, first responders, rescue workers, retirement and nursing homes, sports medicine, labor medicine, fitness centers, hotels and spas, smart watches, wristbands, or TV remote controls.

Cardiovascular condition assessment from a handheld device based on finger contacts

The ECG and two different IPG can be recorded from four electrodes
Oportunitats de negoci/Business opportunity
Tecnologia disponible per a ser llicenciada amb cooperació tècnica/Technology available to be licensed with technical cooperation
Estat de la propietat intel·lectual i industrial/Intelectual property status
No possibilitat de patent/Not possibility of patent
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