High Performance Tangent-Axial Filtration Ceramic Macromembranes. MKT2012/0102_G
A new system for fluids filtration by using a ceramic macromembrane has been patented. Some devices can be installed inside the macromembrane in order to increase the filtration performance. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought. Ref. MKT2012/0102_G
High Performance Tangent-Axial Filtration Ceramic Macromembranes. MKT2012/0102_G
A new system for fluids filtration by using a ceramic macromembrane has been patented. Some devices can be installed inside the macromembrane in order to increase the filtration performance. Partners to further develop the system and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought. Ref: MKT2012/0102_G
El repte/The challenge
The tangential filtration technology for microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) and also reverse osmosis (RO) usually use organic filters and only occasionally ceramic filters, because are more expensive despite their best performance and durability. While these filtration technologies are well established in the market, they are characterized by the fact that the facilities are complex and low permeability performance. They are therefore only interesting for the process of separation of products with high added value. This means that despite their technical superiority they are not applicable to certain processes where it is necessary to filter at low costs, such as the drinking water and wastewater treatments.
La tecnologia/The technology
The invention presented herein consists of a micro and ultrafiltration of fluids, including water, based on a ceramic macromembrane. This macromembrane can be of any size and shape, and operates according to a new operational concept called "tangent-axial". The large size of the macromembrane allows to install some devices inside to increase permeability.
Avantatges innovadores/Innovative advantages
- Uses a ceramic macromembrane that can be of any size and shape, and filters according to a new concept called "tangento-axial"
- The manufacture of the ceramic macromembrane is made by slip casting, which is more economical than the extrusion technique.
- One or more elements for fluid agitation as well as for application of electric and/or magnetic fields can be installed Inside the macromembrane
- The filtration performance can be 5 times higher than the conventional cross-flow filtration.
Fase actual de desenvolupament/Current stage of development
The system has been designed, applied a patent and built a pilot plant.
Aplicacions i mercat objectiu/Applications and target market
Manufacturers of MF/UF plants and companies of industrial sectors that require filtering large amounts of fluids (automotive, food and beverage, chemical, pharmaceutical, steel, laboratories, etc.)

Inside the macromembrane, some devices can be installed to increase the permeability

The filtration performance can be 5 times higher than conventional filtration
Oportunitats de negoci/Business opportunity
Tecnologia disponible per a ser llicenciada amb cooperació tècnica/Technology available to be licensed with technical cooperation
Estat de la propietat intel·lectual i industrial/Intelectual property status
Patent sol·licitada/Applied patent
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