Innovative anti-theft system for bicycles. MKT2011/0089_D
A new anti-theft system for bicycles, designed to minimize the number, weight, and volume of locks to carry, has been patented. Companies interested in commercializing the technology or establishing R&D collaboration agreements for its development are sought. Ref. MKT2011/0089_D
Innovative anti-theft system for bicycles. MKT2011/0089_D
A new anti-theft system for bicycles, designed to minimize the number, weight, and volume of locks to carry, has been patented. Companies interested in commercializing the technology or establishing R&D collaboration agreements for its development are sought. Ref: MKT2011/0089_D
El repte/The challenge
La tecnologia/The technology
The invention presented here reduces the number, weight, and volume of elements needed to secure a bicycle in public spaces. It involves using a modified saddle that doubles as an anti-theft device. This system allows simultaneous securing of the bicycle frame, one of the two wheels, and the saddle itself with a single component.
Avantatges innovadores/Innovative advantages
- Reduces the number of security elements to carry.
- Secures 1 or 2 wheels and part of the frame simultaneously to a post or another fixed element in public spaces.
- Eliminates the need to remove the saddle when parking the bicycle.
- Provides a similar level of security and ease of use as U-lock rigid systems.
Fase actual de desenvolupament/Current stage of development
The system has been designed and is currently in the prototype development phase.
Aplicacions i mercat objectiu/Applications and target market
The technology may be of particular interest to bicycle manufacturers or bicycle accessory companies, as it represents a new and innovative product that significantly enhances user convenience.

Modified bicycle saddle designed to serve as an anti-theft system. Reduces the number of locks needed to carry for securely anchoring the bicycle.

The usage and level of security offered are similar to that of U-lock rigid systems.
Oportunitats de negoci/Business opportunity
Tecnologia disponible per a ser llicenciada amb cooperació tècnica/Technology available to be licensed with technical cooperation
Estat de la propietat intel·lectual i industrial/Intelectual property status
Patent sol·licitada/Applied patent
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