System for the energy refurbishment of obsolete facades. MKT2024/0193_E
The project is for an External Thermal Insulation Construction System with green finishing. The superimposition of thermal insulation material layers acts as a rooting substrate, allowing water and nutrients to channel through its capillary interior. Even though the minimum water required by seasonal plants is present, the thermal insulation façade cover can preserve the building's good thermal behaviour. Ref. MKT2024/0193_E
System for the energy refurbishment of obsolete facades. MKT2024/0193_E
The project is for an External Thermal Insulation Construction System with green finishing. The superimposition of thermal insulation material layers acts as a rooting substrate, allowing water and nutrients to channel through its capillary interior. Even though the minimum water required by seasonal plants is present, the thermal insulation façade cover can preserve the building's good thermal behaviour. Ref: MKT2024/0193_E
El repte/The challenge
The proposed technology focuses on the energy refurbishment of buildings with a product that has added benefits to optimize costs and refurbishment interventions. It reduces the energy demand for air conditioning and heating in buildings, benefiting billing and consumption and improving users’ well-being. Adding water to the insulation means that its thermal insulation capacity can be modified and its performance adapted to the seasons. In summer, it adds the effect of evaporative cooling.
Green finishing reduces the heat island effect near outdoor spaces, contributing to human wellness. Introducing flora and using biomaterials increase wellness through their biophilic effect and reduce air pollution. Flora in cities increases biodiversity and thus reduces pests as it creates equilibrium.
The primary material used, cork, is a local natural product from the Mediterranean. The product is made with bio-based materials.
The technology to be developed is the insulating material, which simultaneously functions as a rooting substrate, a nutrient base, and a water channel.
La tecnologia/The technology
- Key data consolidation: Continue extracting data from the School of Arch. Vallés prototypes. Requires an entire one-year cycle. Then, the prototypes will be disassembled to determine the progression of the roots in the substrate.
- Pilot construction: refurbishing one facade of the School of Arch. Barcelona premises. The objective is to assay the building process and validate the system’s final image over time. This pilot will be used as a “showroom” for clients.
- Design: elements that complement the system and cannot be found in the market.
- Test campaign carried out in accredited laboratories to obtain a Suitability for Use Document (DAU) issued by ITEC or a European Technical Approval Document (DITE) issued by Torroja.
Avantatges innovadores/Innovative advantages
- The social impact of the proposal is its effect on psychological, sensory, and health factors to create less harsh urban environments.
- In the economic field, an improvement in insulation reduces energy consumption with the consequent economic impact and revaluation of the building.
- A reduction in energy consumption has a favourable impact on environmental effects, along with a decrease in the heat island effect and air sanitation.
Fase actual de desenvolupament/Current stage of development
The actions carried out are:
- We have decided on the best business model, considering the context. It will be based on a non-exclusive license;
- We have estimated the market size;
- We have identified some clients and started working with them;
- We have estimated the cost of our product.
Aplicacions i mercat objectiu/Applications and target market
We address the need for energy refurbishment of buildings and introducing green life in cities.
The energy refurbishment with insulation from the outside can complement injection into the cavities. It increases the thickness necessary to eliminate thermal bridges, satisfy comfort requirements, and renew the building's image.

Oportunitats de negoci/Business opportunity
Tecnologia disponible per a ser llicenciada amb cooperació tècnica/Technology available to be licensed with technical cooperation
Estat de la propietat intel·lectual i industrial/Intelectual property status
Altres formes de protecció/Other forms of protection
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