Vertical wind turbine. MKT2024/0192_E
This hybrid vertical wind turbine combines wind and solar energy, designed for semi-urban environments. Based on the Darrieus model, it incorporates blades with solar panels and a cylindrical mirror that maximizes solar radiation collection. The panels are oriented to optimize energy during peak hours. The energy generated is stored in batteries or connected to the grid, integrating two renewable sources in a single efficient and sustainable device. Ref. MKT2024/0192_E
Vertical wind turbine. MKT2024/0192_E
This hybrid vertical wind turbine combines wind and solar energy, designed for semi-urban environments. Based on the Darrieus model, it incorporates blades with solar panels and a cylindrical mirror that maximizes solar radiation collection. The panels are oriented to optimize energy during peak hours. The energy generated is stored in batteries or connected to the grid, integrating two renewable sources in a single efficient and sustainable device. Ref: MKT2024/0192_E
El repte/The challenge
The main challenge of this technology is to introduce wind energy in semi-urban environments and in large facilities where energy demand increases precisely at times when solar panels lose efficiency, such as in the late afternoon. Unlike solar energy, which has gained a prominent place in urban environments thanks to its installation on rooftops and available surfaces, wind energy still faces integration difficulties in these areas due to the limitations of space, noise, and the visual impact of traditional horizontal axis wind turbines. The vertical wind turbines proposed in this technology are designed to capture wind from any direction, better adapting to the variability of urban and semi-urban environments, where wind currents are less constant. Integrating this technology minimizes dependence on batteries by synchronizing energy production with peak demand. Thus, this hybrid solution optimizes the use of renewable sources in a single device, promoting sustainability and energy efficiency in areas where traditional wind power has not yet been able to consolidate.
La tecnologia/The technology
The vertical design allows wind to be captured from any direction, which optimizes its functionality in semi-urban areas with variable air currents. Each wind turbine blade is equipped with strategically inclined solar panels to maximize sunlight capture during hours of high irradiation, thus increasing solar power generation. To make even more use of the available space, additional solar panels can be installed at the base of the wind turbine, increasing the collection surface area according to the user's needs. In addition, each blade has an airfoil with a specific pitch angle of between 5 and 10 degrees, designed to improve aerodynamic efficiency and optimize wind power generation. This angle allows the wind to be captured efficiently, maximizing the wind turbine's energy yield in different wind conditions. The wind turbine also includes a cylindrical mirror that surrounds the central axis this mirror redirects light towards the solar panels to ensure optimal solar collection even when the sun is at unfavorable angles, thus increasing the efficiency of the hybrid system.
Avantatges innovadores/Innovative advantages
The most outstanding advantages of this wind turbine are that it captures wind at 360 degrees, optimizing its use in semi-urban environments; it combines wind and solar energy in a single device, ensuring continuous production. Additional panels at the base increase solar collection, while a cylindrical mirror redirects light to improve efficiency. The aerodynamically inclined blades maximize wind collection, and the reduced reliance on batteries makes the system more sustainable and economical.
Fase actual de desenvolupament/Current stage of development
At present, the wind turbine is in the study phase, using real data from the rooftops where its industrial implementation is planned. In parallel, a reverse engineering study is underway to further optimize processes and material selection.
Aplicacions i mercat objectiu/Applications and target market
- Large energy management companies
- Institutions and governments
- Renewable technology companies
- Companies producing wind turbine materials with R+D+i

Vertical wind turbine

Vertical wind turbine with the option of solar panels at the base
Oportunitats de negoci/Business opportunity
Cerca de col·laboradors per avançar en el desenvolupament i implementació a mercat/Looking for collaborators to advance in the development and market implementation
Estat de la propietat intel·lectual i industrial/Intelectual property status
Altres formes de protecció/Other forms of protection
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