New Generation of HAWT. Smart or intelligent wind turbines. MKT2024/0194_E

Between the cut-in and rated speeds, the new generation of horizontal axis wind turbines will have implemented active flow control technology to reattach the boundary layer in all airfoils along the blade and under all WT operating conditions. The blade tip vortices will also be removed/minimized using the AFC technology. Minimizing vortical structures along the blade and tip will increase turbine power, reduce dynamic forces and noise, and allow for closer positioning of consecutive turbines. Ref. MKT2024/0194_E

New Generation of HAWT. Smart or intelligent wind turbines. MKT2024/0194_E

Streamlines of temporal average velocity field and contours of turbulence velocity at z/R: 0.25, 0.30 and 0.35.

New Generation of HAWT. Smart or intelligent wind turbines. MKT2024/0194_E

Wake comparison between the baseline and the maximum lift cases for the three airfoils considered. The wake is presented ad a function of the turbulence viscosity vt evolution

Oportunitats de negoci/Business opportunity

Tecnologia disponible per a ser llicenciada/Technology available to be licensed