Vertical wind turbine. MKT2024/0192_E

This hybrid vertical wind turbine combines wind and solar energy, designed for semi-urban environments. Based on the Darrieus model, it incorporates blades with solar panels and a cylindrical mirror that maximizes solar radiation collection. The panels are oriented to optimize energy during peak hours. The energy generated is stored in batteries or connected to the grid, integrating two renewable sources in a single efficient and sustainable device. Ref. MKT2024/0192_E

Vertical wind turbine. MKT2024/0192_E

Vertical wind turbine

Vertical wind turbine. MKT2024/0192_E

Vertical wind turbine with the option of solar panels at the base

Oportunitats de negoci/Business opportunity

Cerca de col·laboradors per avançar en el desenvolupament i implementació a mercat/Looking for collaborators to advance in the development and market implementation