Self driven microfluidic filter for seperating liquid from a liquid including deformable particles. MKT2021/0174_H

This Novel Microfluidic blood plasma filter has been design and validated in MicroTechLab of the Mechanical Engineering Department of UPC. Currently, partners to combine the System with a diagnostic tool and batch produce it and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are thought. Ref. MKT2021/0174_H

Self driven microfluidic filter for seperating liquid from a liquid including deformable particles. MKT2021/0174_H

Picture 1: iBlood micromachined channels

Self driven microfluidic filter for seperating liquid from a liquid including deformable particles. MKT2021/0174_H

Picture 2: Comparison with a regular lateral flow assay which uses 4 times more sample

Oportunitats de negoci/Business opportunity

Tecnologia disponible per a ser llicenciada/Technology available to be licensed

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