Nanoenabled Hydrogels for Advanced Skin Care : SKinGEL. MKT2021/0182_H

A new method for in situ self-assembling of NPs with phenolic-shell and biopolymers with nucleophilic groups into multifunctional nanocomposite hydrogel for enhancing wound closure and tissue recovery (Skingel). Ref. MKT2021/0182_H

Nanoenabled Hydrogels for Advanced Skin Care : SKinGEL. MKT2021/0182_H
Nanoenabled Hydrogels for Advanced Skin Care : SKinGEL. MKT2021/0182_H

Oportunitats de negoci/Business opportunity

Tecnologia disponible per a ser llicenciada amb cooperació tècnica/Technology available to be licensed with technical cooperation

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