New bio-based insulation material from vegetal pith and natural binders. MKT2015/0156_B

Partners to further develop the system through technical cooperation are sought. The areas of developing are: performance improvement: use of other bio-based binders and additives, material applications (construction systems, renders, etc.) and manufacture at commercial scale. Partners to establish commercial agreements are also sought. Ref. MKT2015/0156_B

New bio-based insulation material from vegetal pith and natural binders. MKT2015/0156_B

Bio-based insulation boards made from available crop byproducts. Thermal conductivity of 0.039 W/mK and high moisture buffering capacity

New bio-based insulation material from vegetal pith and natural binders. MKT2015/0156_B

Low cost, low energy

Oportunitats de negoci/Business opportunity

Tecnologia disponible per a ser llicenciada amb cooperació tècnica/Technology available to be licensed with technical cooperation