Non–invasive method for the objective assessment of the intraocular scattering of the cornea and the crystaline lens. MKT2019/0165_H

A new method has been developed for the assessment of the intraocular scattering generated in each structure of the human eye, i.e., the cornea and the crystalline lens Ref. MKT2019/0165_H

Non–invasive method for the objective assessment of the intraocular scattering of the cornea and the crystaline lens. MKT2019/0165_H

New system for the assessment of intraocular scattering of the cornea and crystalline lens.

Non–invasive method for the objective assessment of the intraocular scattering of the cornea and the crystaline lens. MKT2019/0165_H

Changes in the contrast of Purkinje images are related with intraocular scattering in the cornea

Oportunitats de negoci/Business opportunity

Tecnologia disponible per a ser llicenciada amb cooperació tècnica/Technology available to be licensed with technical cooperation

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