A new solution for ventilated facade panels. MKT2015/0157_B

A lightweight, durable, adaptable panel with a surface that accommodates multiple finishes (textured, grooved, polished, colorable, etc.). Its lightness allows for large-format elements without complex structures. The outer layer supports various functionalities such as self-cleaning and CO2 absorption. Companies interested in commercial exploitation of the technology or in establishing R&D collaboration agreements for its development are soughts Ref. MKT2015/0157_B

A new solution for ventilated facade panels. MKT2015/0157_B

Elements for ventilated facades with support structures of lower complexity. Due to its high deformability, it is difficult to break and there is minimal risk of pieces detaching onto public roads.

A new solution for ventilated facade panels. MKT2015/0157_B

Its moldability allows for other uses such as drywall partitions, gardening elements, or urban furniture

Oportunitats de negoci/Business opportunity

Tecnologia disponible per a ser llicenciada amb cooperació tècnica/Technology available to be licensed with technical cooperation